Guided Virtual Healthcare for Heart Patients in the UK and USA

Diagnostic Support for Heart Patients

Report Heart Problem

Pre-Doctor Diagnosis

Heart patients, their assistants, and family people can report patient's problems in the application. A question and answer based method is followed and the application will provide necessary advice on the steps to be followed.

Get Guided Advice

Machine Learning

Diagnosis and advice will be done by ML Algorithms and heart patients can get advice on any immediate steps to be followed, medical checkup to be scheduled or any changes in the medicines, diet, exercises, and lifestyle to be followed by the heart patients.

Cardiologists Approval

Disease Classification

Advice generated by the application will be sent to Medical experts in the hospitals and will be reviewed and approved. Medical experts may also speak to the heart patients for any confirmation from them.

Patients to follow

Disease Details

After approval by the medical experts, heart patients can follow the advice and report the progress in their daily reports submitted within the application. Progress rate and risk rate will be provided along with recommendations.

Monitoring Support for Heart Patients

Submit Daily Reports

General Treatment

Standard questions will be asked every day and the answers will be collected and evaluated. Jubimobilehealth generates Progress Rate, Risk Rate, and recommendations for the heart patients.


Subtype Treatment

Jubimobilehealth provides any necessary recommendations and heart patients can follow the advice after reviews and approvals by medical experts in the Hospitals.

Progress Rate

Treatment Progress

Progress rate is an indication of the quality of progress in comparison with past data available in the hospitals. Provides recommendations to be followed by the heart patients.

Risk Rate


Rist Rate is an indication of future risks and is based on whether the heart patients can expect any health threats in 3 months, 6 months or in 1 year. Provides recommendations.

Emergency Support for Heart Patients

Alerts to Hospitals

Emergency Details

In case of an emergency, Jubimobilehealth sends emergency alerts to the Cardiologists and hospitals. Contacts from hospitals can verify the patients' status and then support the patients.

CPR Procedures

First Aid

CPR videos help the family people and assistants to learn about CPR procedures for supporting heart patients. They can learn and upload mock videos to get confirmation from experts in the hospitals.

Connect with Hospitals

Emergency Disease Details

A simple audio and video chat facility is provided to connect with hospitals and get health advice directly from the hospitals and medical experts.

Until Med. Sup. Arrives

Treatment Details

During emergency, alerts on statuses will be sent to hospitals and heart patients to maintain communication and to know about what is going on. Heart patients can follow First Aid procedure till support arrives.

Health Checkup Support for Heart Patients

Schedule Checkups

General Home Remedies

Jubimobilehealth will help heart patients in creating & maintaining health checkup schedules with Hospitals and Health specialists.

Review Daily Reports

Proven Methods

Cardiologists can review the daily reports submitted by the heart patients and can get insights into the problems of the heart patients.

Review Progress rate

Life Style

Cardiologists can review the progress rate and recommendations generated by Jubimobilehealth and can get insights into the problems of the heart patients.

Review Risk Rate

Food Instructions

Cardiologists can review the risk rate and recommendations generated by Jubimobilehealth and can get insights into the problems of the heart patients.

Technology, Advice & Benefits for Heart Patients


List of Doctors

Machine Learning with Quality Data sets has been implemented to predict and avoid future health complications for the heart patients.



Advice on improving medicines, diet, exercises, lifestyle, social life, stress & emotional conditions will be provided to the heart patients.

Benefits To Heart Patients

Drug Details

Jubimobilehealth helps heart patients to reduce cost, time, efforts, save lives, and get lifelong protection.

Benefits To Hospitals

EHR Records

Increase in the number of heart patients coming for meaningful treatment. This may double or triple the income for the Hospitals.


Registered in London, United Kingdom
Yet to be incorporated in USA

Jubisoft's vision is to become a major global player in healthcare technology for heart patients using web based and mobile based Products, by establishing its presence across various geographies, serving Healthcare verticals with the latest technologies like Machine Learning, IoT, and Blockchain. As a new startup, our focus will be on the best practices, ethics, and innovation. Our vision is to position our organization as one of the best Healthcare application providers for heart patients in the long run. We value and respect our clients, partners, and employees and would like to establish long lasting work culture that will benefit all of us.


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