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About Jubimobilehealth

Jubimobilehealth is an advanced level virtual medical healthcare system by taking advantage of Machine Learning Technology to automate the prediction of diseases and effectively monitor Medical Treatment processes.

The Team members have expert skill sets in Information Technology, medical, and financial fields. The new hires such as Chief Operation Officer, Junior Medical Staff, and Technical Staff will have very high qualifications and rich experience to provide outstanding service in healthcare!

Our Vision is to position the Organization to provide advanced virtual healthcare services to Medical Professionals and Patients. Our Mission is to reduce and eliminate healthcare misunderstandings among patients and assist Medical Professionals using advanced latest Technologies.

Patents will be applied in the USA and UK. (Previous non-provisional Utility patent application in the USA and patent application in the UK have been abandoned by the processing centers due to delays in the payment of fees). Pepperdine University short-listed our Company in the first round of the Most Fundable Companies program in 2019. The concept demo was given to Western Sydney University, Australia. Member of Startup School from Y Combinator. We have incorporated in London, UK and we will also incorporate in USA

Our Team

Mr.Chezhiyan Veerasamy

Founder & CEO

An Information Technology wizard with over 20 years of experience in major IT Companies worldwide. Supports IT Infrastructure, Applications and Support for the Organization. Monitors the progress of various activities in the Organization.

Dr.Jonathan Andrews

Future Medical Consultant for UK

Research Physician practicing in London, UK. Provided support for the Organization in the Medical Field from Oct-2019 till May-2024. Now busy with his clinical work. Ready to re-join after the project gets seed funding.

Mr.Stephen Price


CEO | Advisor | Investor | Entrepreneur | Operator | EIR | Innovation, Founder Institute, Castle Rock, Colorado, United States

Mr.Richard Nordstrom

Advisor for Healthcare Market

Global Healthcare Marketing | Patient Engagement | Strategic Planning | M&A | Digital Health | Patient Advocacy | Education, Montclair, New Jersey, USA.

Mr.George Parrish

Advisor from Aug-2018 to Nov-2021

Helped us to prepare Pitch Deck and provided support during idea and prototype phases. Executive Director of Entrepreneur Lab LLC, Stockton, CA, USA


Multiple Advisors on Multiple Subjects

Advisors from CoFoundersLab, Business networking company in Burbank, California,, USA. CoFoundersLab is the largest startup community on the Internet.


Startup School
Y Combinator


Member of Startup School from Y Combinator.


SEHTA Member


SEHTA is a networking organisation of over 1,400 global members working to support innovators to transform healthcare by accelerating health innovation from concept to commercialisation with comprehensive business support.


Hatch Enterprise


Participated in Hatch Enterprise program provided by Digital Ocean, New York, United States.


sFoundation Accelerator


Participated in sFoundation Accelerator program, 4500 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA



Participated in CoFoundersLab Accelerator program, Denver, Colorado, USA

Barclays Funding Readiness Programme


Participated in Eagle Labs Funding Readiness powered by Capital Enterprise


DELL Startup Program


Dell Technologies powers entrepreneurs through innovation and technology while supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem through programs like Dell for Startups.

Barclays Eagle Labs

Barclays Eagle Labs

Virtual Member

Barclays Eagle Labs are an entrepreneurial network supporting ambitious startups and scaleups.





Our Partners

Digital Marketing Company

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Web/Mobile/AI Company


Medical Research Firm

Partner in London, UK

Helps to work with Medical Professionals and Patients.

Our Future Partners


Helps to work with Medical Professionals and Patients.


Helps to work on Research works


Helps to work with Medical Professionals and carry out Research work


Helps in Website and Mobile Applications Testing.


Helps in Digital Marketing.


Helps in Legal works.